Groundhog day quotes

Today we have some groundhog day quotes. It is a day celebrated on February second in the United States of America.
But what exactly is groundhog day?
It is a movie and a story too. During winter time groundhogs go to sleep throughout the season. It is said that they come out of their burrows every year at this time and look outside for their shadows. If they

 see it then they
conclude that it still is winter and go back to their burrow to sleep until rest of the 6 weeks of winter. If due to cloudy weather they do not see their shadow, they assume it to be spring and come out.

Now that we know what groundhog day is, let us look at some of ground hog day quotes.

What if there was no tomorrow, there wasn't one today. ~ Ground hog day Movie quote
This is simply wrong. There are so many people out here in the cold today just to celebrate a story about a rat (groundhog).
~ Movie quotes
Groundhog day quotes
Groundhog day quotes
The groundhog does the same thing over and over again every year. Don't let that be you because you are much smarter than that.
~ Jack Domes

Sometimes I feel like a groundhog. I wish that every time I saw my work place I could just go down the hole and go off to sleep.
~ Sherry Bane

What we need is an eagle day instead of a groundhog day. We need to look up to the skies and learn to fly high rather than get depressed and go down a hole to sleep.
~ Rosy Lou

I rather sleep in a burrow and hibernate for the next six weeks than face this chilly cold winter.
~ Damien Lard

Life is challenging sometimes but that does not mean that I am about to give up and go to sleep like the groundhog. I am going all out and following my dreams.
~ Fanny Whistle

All I need is a good vacation away from all my problems. Every time I get up in the morning I wish that it all would get over and I can live life happily all over again.
~ Molly Caps

Sometimes all I have to do is keep the faith alive. There is a silver lining out there and I can see it. Good things always bounce back in life. Its cold winter but sunshine is right there waiting for us.
~ Dorothy Grains

There is so much happiness and joy in life that I cannot be a groundhog for a single day. I want to live life as happily as I possibly can.
~ Bob Nathans

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