Cute cuddle and hug quotes

What is life, without your arms around me? What is life without the smell of you next to me? What is life without you by my side? Cuddle me, love me and promise never to ever live my side
~ Jane Thomson

I cannot imagine a life out of your arms, it sounds lonely and dreary and so out of place. I was created to be loved and cared for by you, to lie in your arms forever.
~ Emily Banes

I feel your love so real in my love, so
true and strong especially when you put your arms around me. You make me always crave your cuddles.
~ Purity Hogan
Cuddle quotes
I want to shower you with my love forever, to cuddle you and to make you safe in my arms, to kiss and to hug you, to show that you that I really care.
~ Noelle Blare

The reality of your love hit me when you said you wanted to hold me, I gave into that quite unsure of what I felt. When you held me tight and allowed me lie in your chest and to feel the rhythm of our heartbeats, I realized you were not in it alone.
~ Jennifer Worth

I do not know why I fell in love with you, but I know one thing for sure, it happened when I lay cuddled in your bed. I then realized what I had been missing my whole life.
~ Anna Bridgetown

I might sound crazy, but all I want is exactly what every other woman wants. To be held, wrapped lovingly in your arms, to be kissed and to be told that I am loved. Probably like the much I love you!
~ Jarrod Mayor

When I first saw you, and the following sleepless nights in my bed, I always imagined lying in your arms, you kissing my forehead and murmuring words that I could not hear. What made it even better is when it actually happened.
~ Eric Robertson

Making love to you is what I want to do forever, but you cuddling me after, is a feeling that is too precious to live without.
~ Diana Rogers

When I thought that I had reached to a breaking point in my life, you were right there, kissed the tears away and let me lie in your arms for comfort. Years later, I realized that what I had been looking for had been there the whole time.
~ Alexandra McDonald

Living cuddled in your life is one thing I would give my life for, having to be kissed by you every morning I would die for and without you; my life is not worth living.
~ James Clarke