Cute mom quotes

I don't remember what I felt when I first opened my eyes and saw you. But I am very sure that it was love at first sight. I love you Mom!
~ Caroline Bishop

I used to enjoy sitting on my mothers lap as she told me stories from the book. Now I am too big to sit on my mothers lap but my heart still contains all those sweet memories like stars in the night sky.
~ Rachel Bills

My mom may
criticize me a lot for all the wrong things I do but I know that when I am in a problem, she is my biggest supporter. She is the best thing that happened to me.
~ Olivia Williams
Cute mom quotes
Cute mom quotes

Cute Mom Quotes

I know of a girl who is in my class and did not have a mother. I took her home and she had tears in her eyes because my mom told her that she will always be there for her and gave her a hug.
~ Amanda Wilcox

We could hardly ever agree on things when I was young but now I realize that all the things that she said has wisdom in them. I wish I had my mom by my side today.
~ Karen Mark

I know that when all others fail me and leave my side, all I need is to speak to my mother who will love me no matter what.
~ Laura George

My brother once told my mom that he loves her more than she loves him. My mom was surprised and told him to prove it. He said, you have 3 children but I still have just one Mommy.
~ Ann Chats

Mommy I hope you see now that I am following every little instruction you gave me. I am sorry for all the nasty things I told you when I was young. I really hope to see you in heaven.
~ Heather Moose

The most special relationship is the one that I share with my mother. She loves me more than I could ever ask for and yet she is a friend with whom I can share my deepest secrets.
~ Julie Ding

Qualities like love, honesty, being kind and clean are things that my mom taught me early in life. I will forever be thankful for all the good things that she taught me.
~ Emily Voice

There are thousands of people who loose their mothers at an early age. Some others never even know what a mothers love is. If you have a mother thank God with all your heart and love your mom with all you can.
~ Katie Moss

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