Love yourself quotes
You were created to succeed and move ahead towards your destiny and at times you may feel unloved. But if you motivate yourself with faith enough you can achieve all that you have dreamed of.
~ Shanna Mikes
When you begin to love yourself and stand up with confidence anew journey of life long love begins. Stand up for yourself because you are all you have.
~ Oneness Bridge
You may have some
faults and sometimes you may tend to focus on things that you are not good at. That happens, but the key is to come back to all the gifts you have and keep loving your self.
~ Austin Walt's
Even if you feel intimidated don't let that take you down. Re fuel yourself with thoughts of a positive life. Bring out the winner from within and then you will see victory and love rise up.
~ Janell Schrieffer
When you develop your qualities and talents, you will shine among your friends and family. You will do greater things and be led into success and fulfillment.
~ Tony Willis
You are not too old and its never too late to start a lovely happy life. Do things that bring happiness in your life and believe that good things are coming for you.
~ Andrea Vault
Don't let what others say or think about you change anything. You were meant for greater things and your life will be much better if you focus on your goals and dreams.
~ The book of the anonymous
My future has beautiful moments in store. I have milestones to cross and great people to meet. I am going to be happy, joyful and blessed. I am going to love myself and others with happiness.
~ Unknown world
If you are embarking on a new journey, make sure that you carry confidence and belief with yourself. They will help you bounce back when you come across obstacles.
~ Finley Boys
When you have kept God first, loved the people in your life and have been kind to strangers. Make sure that you love yourself so that you can re energize to love more.
~ Dallas Wine
Next page: Best things to say to someone you love
~ Shanna Mikes
When you begin to love yourself and stand up with confidence anew journey of life long love begins. Stand up for yourself because you are all you have.
~ Oneness Bridge
You may have some
faults and sometimes you may tend to focus on things that you are not good at. That happens, but the key is to come back to all the gifts you have and keep loving your self.
~ Austin Walt's
Even if you feel intimidated don't let that take you down. Re fuel yourself with thoughts of a positive life. Bring out the winner from within and then you will see victory and love rise up.
~ Janell Schrieffer
When you develop your qualities and talents, you will shine among your friends and family. You will do greater things and be led into success and fulfillment.
~ Tony Willis
You are not too old and its never too late to start a lovely happy life. Do things that bring happiness in your life and believe that good things are coming for you.
~ Andrea Vault
Don't let what others say or think about you change anything. You were meant for greater things and your life will be much better if you focus on your goals and dreams.
~ The book of the anonymous
My future has beautiful moments in store. I have milestones to cross and great people to meet. I am going to be happy, joyful and blessed. I am going to love myself and others with happiness.
~ Unknown world
If you are embarking on a new journey, make sure that you carry confidence and belief with yourself. They will help you bounce back when you come across obstacles.
~ Finley Boys
When you have kept God first, loved the people in your life and have been kind to strangers. Make sure that you love yourself so that you can re energize to love more.
~ Dallas Wine
Next page: Best things to say to someone you love