Cute Quotes about me

Don't need many friends, I am happy with the faithful few. I don't care about fancy parties as long as the people inside are true. You may judge me by first impression but true knowledge needs a deeper view.
~ Mary Ann

I am simple, funny, cute, loving and
a little crazy. When I love someone, I can give my world to them and if I want something I strive hard for it until I get it. That's just me.
~ Sheila Joseph

Cute Quotes about me

People tell me I should slow down and that I should act normal. I have tried that before and I tried that again but normal is just plain and boring. That is why I go back to being me.
~ Dinette Nora
Cute Quotes about me
Cute Quotes about me
I am a person who makes mistakes, learns steadily, loves deeply and has a hunger to succeed. If I said I am perfect, I would be lying but I am not perfect. That is all I can say about me. What about you?
~ Bale Crypt

My life can be handled and lived by guess who? Me! So please save your opinions and judgments for someone else who cares. Cheers!
~ Ron Wellington

Not the type of a person who hurts anyone. I am the type of a person who likes to see people smiling and happy. I wish to achieve my dreams and my God given destiny. To stay true to myself no matter how hard it is.
~ Donna Lashing

They look at me and think that they know me. But that is not true. People who judge me and have an opinion about me are the ones who know me the least. There is so much more to me than you will ever know.
~ Carrie Maze

Yes I make mistakes and no I have never been an example of greatness. I am irritable at times and I fight with my friends. But even after all this I love and accept the imperfect unique me, just the way I am.
~ Lyndon Jose

Brave people are not those who conform to what people say and ask them to do. They are those who follow their heart and do exactly where it leads them in life.
~ Aaron Mall

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