The best cute girl quotes

I strongly believe in women empowerment and these quotes are originally written to describe the goodness within women. I have written some of these quotes from a friends perspective. After you finish reading, please take 30 seconds to let me know if you liked the quotes or not.

1. A girl should always be treated with respect and kindness. If you do not know how to treat a girl right, you won't have her for long in your life.

2. I prefer to be a girl who is smart and a achiever than someone who is just pretty and without any substance.
cute girl sayings, cutest girl
Cute girl quotes
3. Girls can hug, giggle and say "I love your smile and the way you look" to another girl without feeling ashamed. For guys, doing any of that would becomes homo and they just can't go with it.

4. All I ever wanted was a good
looking home, lots of dresses, good books to read and real faithful friends for company. Most of all, I want someone who will really love me just the way I am.

5. Sometimes even the girl who you see smiling and caring for everyone else in her life breaks down. She needs someone to take care of  her and let her know that she is cared for and loved.

6. Girl problems are that they love being called beautiful but they find it hard to believe it and think its not completely true. They are not always right but hate admitting they are wrong.

7. There are some girls who have never smoked or gotten into alcohol. They have never slept around or made any fuss at all to get any kind of attention. Yes indeed! Such girls still exist, you only need to look harder.

8. Once you know that you have the girl of your dreams, don't let her go because she is just one in a billion. Treat her like a princess and care for her more than yourself.

9. How do you know the difference between when a girl likes or loves you? Simple. When a girl laughs at things you say to her she likes you. When she has tears in her eyes for you...she loves you.

10. Be a girl who has her own mindset for success and happiness, a woman with strong values and goodness and a lady with a class that lasts a lifetime.

11. Go for a guy who at the first look at another girl realizes that its not you and does not get his heart involved. Such guys maybe rare but are worth the wait.

12. A girl maybe going through a lot of things in her life but if she smiles, she is the perfect example of strength.

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