Valentines Day quotes

Here are some of the most beautiful and original Valentines Day Quotes of 2014 which are full of love, romance and reality. Let's journey into love with these cute lines.

Your eyes say a love story which is more beautiful than any best seller I have ever read. Your love is the sweetest feeling that I have ever felt. I love you with all my heart. Happy V-Day.
~ Damien Lee

That day when I asked you out and you agreed to be mine,
from that day on wards every day for me is Valentine's.
You made me believe in the true meaning of love,
I now know in my heart that you are my angel from above.
~ Janet Jeffery

Valentines day quotes

I was at the bus stop bidding you good bye. Then I sat to think of all the good memories we have shared together. I didn't even realize when an hour passed by. Happy Valentine's day!
~ Winfred Joy

When I was all alone, I wanted to
find someone who could make me feel loved. You not only filled that space but became my most cherished loved one.
~ Agnes Soy
Valentines Day quotes
Valentines Day quotes
From the day I met you I just could not stop thinking about you. As days passed by your cuteness increased. On V day, I won't just gift you chocolates and flowers but a commitment which says that I will be there for you forever.
~ Loyola Chan

Every moment that I have spent with you has been so beautiful. You have loved me like no one else ever could. All my dreams and wishes have come true with you.
~ Sylvia Jones

A thousand days would seem to be so few to express my feelings fully and show how much I love you.
~ Anita Life

If someday the sun wake up and for some reason we can't be together, just open up your loving heart and I will make my home there forever.
~ Darlene Mavis

Out of the cold winter day into a cozy night,
your eyes so beautiful your face shines so bright.
I love every little thing that you have ever done,
we are two no more, our hearts are united one.
~ Joel Shaw

Did you know what an awesome gift you are in my life? Every moment spent away from you cuts like a knife. On this day my sweet Valentine, I want to have you forever as mine.
~ Jacob Martins

Close your eyes and make a wish just like I did a few hours ago. I wished that I wake up every morning in your arms and stay there in your loving embrace forever. Happy V day!
~ Dean Johnson

You are not just a part of me but you are my heart beat. Every day spent with you is a memory that I truly cherish and will love all my life.
~ Angie Wonk

Sometimes we have some good days. Sometimes days are bad and we end up fighting. But no matter what day it is, I always want to spend it with you my love.
~ Darren Soldier

I fell in love with you when we first met. Even today just a mention of you makes my heart beat faster and puts a smile within me. I love you so very much!
~ Melanie Jean

Whenever this day comes I cannot help but replay the thousand beautiful moments that I have experienced in love. None of them could have come true without you. Happy Valentines day!
~ Olivia Maze

It is funny to know how I was trying to impress you and make you fall in love every other day but failed to realize that I was the one falling more deeply in love with you. Love you my Valentine.

Next page: 10 Amazing heart melting love quotes