Good Love Quotes Biography
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For me writing biographies is impossible, unless they are brief and concise, and these are, I feel, the most eloquent.
Alfred Nobel
Writing, Impossible, Unless
I've been a lifelong horror fan, but at the same time, I would say 90 percent of my reading is biographies and nonfiction history.
Seth Grahame-Smith
Time, History, Reading
I've always enjoyed reading history, particularly presidential biographies.
Seth Grahame-Smith
History, Reading, Enjoyed
There's been a number of erroneous biographies, articles and so on written about Billy and we both thought it would be a good idea to produce a true one.
Pamela Stephenson
Good, True, Idea
In a fit at the bookstore one day, I bought all my favourite composers' biographies: Schubert, Massenet, Wolf. I've still not had a chance to read them; it breaks my heart. But when you travel so much, you just can't take that many books with you.
Danielle de Niese
Travel, Heart, Chance
I love to read different books on completely different subjects at the same time. I cannot focus on one. I read a few pages of literature, then I jump to philosophy and at the same time I'm reading biographies of Mahler.
Gustavo Dudamel
Love, Time, Focus
My reading is always about musical biographies. I have an innate interest and passion for that.
Nina Blackwood
Passion, Reading, Interest
When I read biographies, I'm only interested in the first few chapters. I'm not interested in when people become successful. I'm interested in what made them successful.
Michael Eisner
Successful, Become, Few
In my downtime, you'll mostly find me curled up with a book. I love reading biographies. My favourites are those of Dalai Lama, Osama Bin Laden, and Einstein.
Madhur Bhandarkar
Love, Book, Reading
On the other hand, when I give it closer thought, I realize I'm not enough of a dictator to conduct an orchestra because it requires a pretty awful person. When you read these biographies of famous conductors, they are all awful people who fail in their private relationships.
Eberhard Weber
Famous, Give, Enough
There are biographies, I looked at a lot of photographs of him, I heard his voice over and over and over again. You get in there and get to know the man by all of those pieces of information.
David Strathairn
Him, Again, Voice
I like a good fun chick-lit book as much as I like historical fiction, mysteries, or biographies, I like to be well-rounded!
Erin Duffy
Good, Fun, Book
I like contemporary American literature and I like biographies and I like jazz and I like baseball and I like writers who write about the human condition and sci-fi is just something that I happened into.
Jonathan Frakes
Human, Baseball, Literature
I used to devour biographies of people like Natalie Wood and Marilyn.
Emma Forrest
Used, Wood, Devour
After a certain number of years, our faces become our biographies.
Cynthia Ozick
Become, Number, Faces
I do read on holiday, but it tends to be very lowbrow. I'm into really camp biographies, and I'm a shameless fan of Jilly Cooper.
Miranda Raison
Read, Holiday, Fan
My father loved biographies. He loved the true tales of interesting people that were shaping our culture. I get why he dug 'Vanity Fair.' You feel smarter, somehow, for reading it.
Abigail Spencer
True, Father, Why
The best interviews like the best biographies should sing the strangeness and variety of the human race.
Lynn Barber
Best, Human, Race
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Good Love Quotes Love Quotes In Urdu English Images with Picturs for Him Form Facebook With English Translation Language For Her Wallpapers Images