Cute Life Quotes

A good life is full of faithful friends, good music, tasty food, delicious drinks and favor from almighty God. What else could you ask for?
~ Jolene Dan

This life is like a rose and you are the beauty and fragrance. Without you, all
it will be is a faded rose without any charm or a sense of smell.
~ Matt Cooper

Cute Life Quotes

Life is a beauty to those who know how to treat it like a princess. Your attitude towards life will determine how far you will go. Stop cursing and saying that it is no good.
~ Nazarene Wallace
Cute Life Quotes
Cute life Quotes

Haven't you heard of successful people? They all had some challenge that they overcame. The rich ones overcame poverty and the wise ones overcame lack of knowledge. You too can overcome.
~ Mellon Donald

Most battles in life can become easier if we look at them positively and with a change of outlook. There are few things that cannot be overcome with love.
~ Ling Jello

In life, I have met many friends and people whom I have loved dearly. All this has been possible because of a life full of joy happiness and peace. Humor is another factor which helped me on my way in life.
~ Bob Lyres

This life is just a journey and not the destination. This journey will lead you finally to your destiny. If these 60-80 years was everything, what use was it? There is a bigger plan.
~ Cline Timothy

You were helping me up when I was down and depressed. Making me smile and laugh when I did not know how to see the bright side. I cannot ask for anything more and you are all I ever need in rough times and good times.
~ Sheen Hove

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How to write cute quotes on life?
We all our going through some phase in life. Each season teaches us something different and sometimes seasons repeat. It is always good to note down your very own thoughts in the form of quotes and have them noted down so that you can check on them later.
Make sure that you note down the good and keep in touch with them more than the bad experiences. In fact when you note down the bad, write them down in the form of improvement and learning, not negativity. That will avoid stealing the joys of good times.
You can store them digitally so that they are always preserved.

I hope you have a happy day!

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